PDS© simulates pallet strength, stiffness and life cycle analysis based on user-specified descriptions of the material-handling environment.
The Pallet Design System© is based on engineering fundamentals and matrix structural analysis techniques. It is the result of many years of laboratory research and field-testing. NWPCA and the William H. Sardo, Jr. Pallet & Container Research Lab at Virginia Tech have invested an enormous amount of time and resources to create and enhance this outstanding design tool. PDS© simulates pallet strength, stiffness and life cycle analysis based on user-specified descriptions of the material-handling environment. This system can be used to estimate the performance level of a particular pallet design or assist in creating a new design to meet a precise performance level. PDS© has been in use since 1984 and is currently used by pallet manufacturers and recyclers in 15 countries.
Many customers think that pallets are a thrown-together product. In fact, pallets are built in specific ways for very specific reasons. The thickness, size, and quantity of top deck, bottom deck, and stringer boards can determine the strength and durability of a pallet. Other factors include the placement of those boards as well as any notching, chamfering, and/or clipping necessary. PDS© allows us to design a pallet specifically for the product that it will carry. Regardless of the material to be carried, whether it be boxes, bags, or raw product itself we can design and build a pallet to fit the need of any customer.
The below image demonstrates the output of the PDS© program.